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Whilst we fully realise this process is very new and can be stressful with the fear of the unknown, we are very experienced and keen to make the process smooth and easy. 


Don't worry this is not an astronaut medical!

Don't worry blood tests are not done!



The medical check will include at least the following:


  • Height in cm 

  • Weight in kilograms

  • Body Mass Index ( Weight divided by height x height)

  • Pulse ( should be between 60-100 beats per minute)

  • Blood Pressure ( Should be under 140/90)

  • Heart Check (Listening using a stethoscope for heart murmurs/ rhythm etc.)

  • Lung Check ( Listening using a stethoscope for normal breath sounds)

  • Spirometry-is done if there are underlying lung issues eg Asthma (*Additional charges)

  • Pulse oximetry ( To check for oxygen saturations and Pulse rate) 

  • Ears, Nose and Throat ( Looking at your ear drums, nose and throat)

  • Check of your abdomen including hernia checks

  • Urine check for blood, protein and glucose  * (drug testing if applicable)

  • Checks on  your joints, muscles, coordination, power of the arms, legs and curvature of the spine, to see whether you can safely open the aircraft doors, operate the on board  equipment and are moving normally 

  • Vision checks to see if you are within the set standards with or without correction for distance, near and visual fields

  • Colour vision check 

  • Hearing test / Audiogram as needed- to check your hearing is safe for airline operations

  • Psychiatric assessment for Depression/ Anxiety/ Mania etc.

  • ECG if clinical cause or aged over 40 years old as per regulations. ( *Additional charges)

  • *Other as advised by the Aeromedical Doctor 

  • There may be additional checks as required to ensure you are safe to operate as cabin crew. If needed these will be explained at the time.





































Helpful for us:

Come in smart casual clothing, 15 minutes before your allocated time, happy and with your passport and original forms.


From our previous experience please-

  • Do not wear tight fitting clothing even if they are designer. We need to get to your upper arm for your blood pressure check.

  • Do not wear multiple layers!

  • Do not wear footwear that needs 20 minutes to remove and put back on!

  • Make sure you are ready to do a urine sample when you arrive but do not race to the bathroom without taking a sample bottle from us.

  • Do not come heavily moisturised in case we need to do an ECG.

  • Do not go to a music concert or be exposed to loud noise the night before as this can affect the hearing tests /Audiogram. 

  • Do not come if you have COVID19 or other heavy cold/ cough.

  • Do not come hungover, drunk or under the influence of drugs.



Whilst we fully realise this process is very new and can be stressful with the fear of the unknown, we are very experienced and keen to make the process smooth and easy. 

Sadly some have previously attended who are rude, aggressive, and inappropriate to our staff. We have a zero tolerance policy on such matters and will refuse to deal with such individuals, their friends or family. No refunds will be issued either in such cases. 









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